Uprgade vb 3.x to 4.x - Remove vbseo.. Install dbseo or stock vbulletin ?
I want to upgrade by vbulletin 3.x forum to vbulletin 4.x latest.. Not planning for vbulletin 5.x due to many patches released too soon.. and lot of loading issues, while testing on vbulletin..com I have vbseo still running on vb 3.x but dont want to proceed ahead with same on new 4.x as vbseo is dead. Should i replace vbseo with dbseo ?
Is there someway I can import few customizations made to forumdisplay, showthread and showpost pages in vbulletin 4.x without much trouble..
Also let me know if DBSEO is better option.. as I dont want to waste time in SEO customizations.