I dunno about the email load but I do know you have:
HTML Code:
There are currently 7321 users online. 652 members and 6669 guests
My goodness, that's a helluva load right there. Site is loading for me though.
Most of the 652 members showing online look spammy, judging by the usernames.
Are you using the "fake users" mod? Or is this actual traffic?
Help yourself tremendously by optimizing this site - reduce bandwidth drastically and improve performance. There is much work to do in that regard and here's the report card.
I dont do FAKE...These are all 100% real users, click on a username and check their stats. I have deleted over 5000 spammers and inactive members over the last 6 years and this was before installing Spam-O-Matic. A large percentage of my members are older retired people who have checked the "remember me" option and practically live on this site. Its their hobby and their social life and we do have a large global reach.
I know I certainly do need to optimize the site and that's a real priority for me.