Oh really... can you make custom BB codes yet? No?
Agreed, that's missing. But there's a great addon that offers better functionality than vB.
Can you upload smileys directly from the Admin CP yet? No?
For that, I honestly don't care. This is a setup once and forget functionality. Doesn't bother me at all.
Does it have Blogs or Articles yet? No?
Given the state of blogs and articles of vB4, I consider them unusable for me. So this really is feature parity for me. And what I have read about CMS implementation in vB5 leaves me seriously underwhelmed, too. On the other hand, I could say: Does vB3 or 4 have a ressource manager (capable of being used for quite more than managing ressources)?
Does it have Multi-quote yet? Kind of? You mean i have to scroll all the way back up again each time I hit reply? So No?
Multiquote is in the making.
Does it have a way to leave comments when you "Like" something? No?
You mean the functionality vB deemed so importand it removed it from vB5?
Does it have 1800 FREE modifications? No? Does it have ANY free modifications anymore? That's a serious question, I haven't looked in a while.
Given vB5 has not even 50 modifications after a full year this is really not a point vB can make. And yes, xF has lots of very good quality free addons, and 1095 addons at the moment in the ressource manager overall.
Does everyone need all the features above? Of course not- but there is no way you can say it has surpassed vBulletin in functionality... In stability, yes, perhaps- but simpler software is easier to keep bug free.
That, sorry, sounds like a quite lame excuse given the bug record of vB4. Most of the code was from vB3, which was virtually bug free, but still vB4 managed to introduce a gazilliion of bugs, many of which are still unresolved.
At least for me, stability and future are key aspects. vB4 will soon no longer be usable, given there won't be much development and IB's lagging when it comes to adapting to new technology (IE versions, PHP versions...). In the end, vB5 is vB4's future, and that's just a too horrible perspective to even remotely contemplate it.
Truth is XF hasn't even hit VB 3.x level of features yet, let alone VB 4.x.
Well, there's xF-functionality I really miss in vB, too. WebDAV template editing, for example, or Private Conversations, which are so much more versatile than PMs in vB, or AdminCP search, or a working and worthwile notification system, or @Username tagging. And, as I pointed out, xF has one absolute key feature for me over vB: future, and reliable, stability oriented development as opposed to the cash grab stunts IB pulled with vB4 and vB5.
Yet all this is my personal preference. I just sometimes feel people have taken a look at xF when it came out, then never cared to follow the releases after.