Interesting that Stingray27 hasn't posted since Feb. of 2010, and now he is posting announcements? Suddenly has(d) Moderator permissions?
Hey I see where you were going with this - Would have been shocking if not a staff member
Originally Posted by ForceHSS
So who logged in to just post ~ and why not delete it after looks a bit strange
I have not asked yet but I would assume simply becoming sidetracked while multi-tasking or perhaps company at the door heck I alone had to delay a few people on skype this weekend, people kept coming over to see me .
Could be, I doubt it has the same password though considering recent events.
Originally Posted by Lynne
That account is one of our test accounts which is why he was able to post an announcement.
^ As Lynne said it's a legitimate account, no worries folks I know some of you are concerned over recent events but don't let a staff member here doing some testing rile you up that much .