Not sure where all this is headed now you are talking from a coder's perspective instead of a user's ... I may not like the way the copyright mod redirects but that is my choice not to put it in i have voiced my opinion to dragonbyte and they gave me an ans which is fine by me but at least i have a choice ...
Dragonbyte listened to there customers and gave them a option to the branding free which is quite expensive .. so for a free mod one of many for them which you as a coder should understand takes free time away from their normal lives i dont see how they are doing anything illegal as was said and again like i did i chose not to install it and you can too ...
i also have other choices here most coders here not all choose to mark their mods as un-supported but in reality they are as i have recently learned because they dont want end users asking them every five min or half hour ect if they can fix this or that due to there time management they want time to ans that i guess ... well its my choice not to install the mods that are marked as such
so when you get down to it your poll serves no purpose it is one sided at the end of the day you are going to go your way and dragonbye is going to go theirs cause as was said the coders that post including you can do as they want in there own thread ...imo i wouldnt think you would want other coders to enter your support thread and tell you what they thought of your mod and disrupt the supporting of the member base i for one want to thank all the coders for giving up their time and giving us free mods so we can better our forums...i might not agree on things that happen here but choices is what we all have thats what makes this community a great place to be apart of
i hope we can put this thread to bed and get on to what is important ...