I don't want to be harsh but it's for the best:
- http://grossie.me/s/gus-fehBl9.png - There is too much going on in your postbit. Remove some things and organize it.
- http://grossie.me/s/gus-kikKMK.png - When running a site you need to be as professional as you can. That means capitalize your letters and use proper grammar.
- http://grossie.me/s/gus-PFwfYF.png - Again, capitalize. Also, I don't really think that you need a Facebook Admin. It'd be nice as well if you ordered the groups from highest rank to lowest.
- http://grossie.me/s/gus-tfvk1q.png - Could be capitalized.
- http://grossie.me/s/gus-CTrO5q.png - Get some real rules. All this is is the default registration sign up thing that you agree to.
- All capitalized forums - Doesn't look that nice. Just make it capitalized where it should be.
Overall the forum just kind of looks out of order and not very professional, but if you fix things like that you can start getting there.
well i took care of some of that. i like the forum titles to be in all caps and bold because the should stand out.
i did fix the user group titles but i have no controll over the order in which the fall.
i did remove some of the stuff off the postbit.
facebook admin is staying because it is a needed group.
and as far as the punctuation goes, most of the threads do have proper grammar but you targeted a few that didnt and i dont know of many teenagers who care about that anyways. its not like im trying to sell them anything.
as far as the forum rules go i kept it basic because its a laid back forum, and my rules pretty much cover everything. i dont want my users feeling like they are walking on eggshells.