ok guys I have a bit of a predicament on my hands.. I run the site www.newcelica.org on which we have both a for sale section and a group purchase section. well recently it seems that people keep getting ripped off.. Now I know there is nothing I can do to entirely stop this from happening but I would like to try and help in some way so this is what I was thinking. A User Feedback option.. Add another field to the member.php area call it seller feedback or something of that nature.. make it so any user can go to the other users member.php area and can add to that feedback area.. make sense?? I think it might help out a little beet to weed out bad sellers.. what Id really like is something like ebay has with its seller feedback area but how their works like you have to purchase something through the buyer before you can leave feedback.. etc etc.. that would be soo nice but impossible to implement without a buyer/bidding system.. any ideas would be appreciated