Location not displayed in Post if no location has been entered. - Example
Custom Post Prefixes - Like "sticky" and "poll," other post prefixes can be specified at the time of posting. Right now there's "Spoiler," "Question," and "Idea," anyone have any other ideas?
Advanced Sig Editor - Allows a post-like thing for editing a signature, and allows it to be previewed on both background colors
Spell Checking
Search Box at top of all pages.
Blink PM Bar on new PM
Download PMs to a File(Next to the Delete button in the PM list would be "Download")
Change Username - User could change their username from the UserCP if they have more than X posts and haven't changed their name in the past X days.
Who's Online now sortable by Name, Location, Last Active Date, and IP.
Ability to merge multiple accounts into one account from Admin CP.
Hosted Forums show up like a normal forum with moderators, last poster, replies and thread counts, and new post icon on main forum page, even though they're categories 2 levels deep.
Hosting Services(done):
Need to add ability for moderators to edit their styles
Moderators Can edit the access masks for their forums - Essentially allows them to give/take access to private forum(s), but can also be used to "ban" users from their forums - they can deny access to people for those forums