Problems when running "Fix Unique Indexes" and DB errors. Search Index is messed up!
When I first ran "Fix Unique Indexes" I came up with this:
Table access already has a unique index
Table adminhelp already has a unique index
Table attachmentpermission already has a unique index
Table bbcode already has a unique index
Table bbcode_video already has a unique index
Table action already has a unique index
It stopped at the above point when trying to the "Fix Unique Indexes" in Maintenance.Now when trying to run it, it just goes to the blue background.
Also, when going into "Maintenance" and "Update Counters" only half of the options show up. None show anything beyond Rebuild Search Index and only half of that shows.
So, I'm quite sure it's a bad search index.
Also, when members click on a thread, "new posts", try to PM, etc., they get DB errors.