Modifications written for 3.5 and higher will mostly work on all 3.x (3.5 and higher) versions, so these will not removed until some time after the entire 3-series (including 3.8) will be end-of-life.
Originally Posted by Paul M
There are no plans to move the 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7 sections to the archive area.
However, we may block new releases in them (i.e. only allow replies to existing mods).
Originally Posted by KevinL
I never like to assume..
Thank you for the answers guys. This is what I was looking for more or less
And Nex That is also what I was going to ask..just not now. How much longer after 4.2 will they be open. Who knows when 4.2 will be here. With their time line that could be here within this year and 3.8 could be EOL. Now, will these be moved? I know this is way to soon to know any of this though,,,
Yes, thanks for that info and I'll just keep an ear open for new news on this subject