I have a modified boughten skin and need some help with some problems. If you have any of the answers to any of them I would be very grateful.
- Logout - I've got a log out button in my menu which isn't working currently the url is: http://www.spazgamz.com/forums/login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&u=$bbuserinfo[userid] when clicked this leads to an:
An error occurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out.
Whats wrong with the URL?
- forum navigation path - I'm talking about the area above this post right below the vbulletin.org logo with the folder. For some reason I don't have this, is there some option in the Admin CP? If not I'm guessing I just accidentally deleted it.
- Custom Usernames/Ranks - I'm just wandering if their is some mod out their to make this easy or am I going to just have to use the AdminCP
I know it's a long list, but if you could help me with any of these It would make me very happy.