1. forgett define('NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS', 1);
2. include the csrf protection
We shouldn't start posting the outdated stuff
1. Yes, I forgot to remove NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS.
Anyway, vBulletin reverse the effects of register_globals. It automatically unsets the globals.
PHP Code:
if (@ini_get('register_globals') OR !@ini_get('gpc_order')) { foreach ($this->superglobal_lookup AS $arrayname) { $registry->superglobal_size["$arrayname"] = sizeof($GLOBALS["$arrayname"]);
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS["$arrayname"]) AS $varname) { // make sure we dont unset any global arrays like _SERVER if (!in_array($varname, $this->superglobal_lookup)) { unset($GLOBALS["$varname"]); } } } }
2. Also I forgot it. I only copy and paste header and modifiy the body of the PHP.
I am going to update the script, and will create a tutorial with more things.