Quite simply if you don't like the idea than don't participate. The suggestion was meant to augment the current offerings not replace them. If you don't want someone taking over the project than don't invite anyone to be on your team.
However if you're interested in a more open development environment and willing to create an open project the capabilities should be available here instead of elsewhere.
So let me get this straight, I'm not allowed to participate and express my opinion if it disagrees with you? Last time I checked Wayne this forum is a public one, and anyone can contribute to discussions.
My point stands, change has generally not been embraced here partly due to what I feel has been a misdirected administration, but mainly because of lack of resources.
I think the best thing that could happen is to allow the community to work together on improving the vB.org platform. Have some coders put their money where their mouth is and do the development It's easy for people like you and I to make these suggestions but it's the administration (who have day jobs, and some families) who have to put in the work.