The author of the modification has been informed and asked to address the quarantine reason(s), until this is done the modification will remain in the graveyard.
If you are currently using this modification then you may wish to consider disabling it.
If the modification consists of a product then disabling the product should be all that is required.
Do not uninstall the product as this may delete any data associated with it. If the modification also included new files then you may remove (or rename) them.
Once the author has responded to the issues you will be notified that it has been restored.
Thank you, Staff
So again - I will post my concern.
Why has this modification been quarantined? If the modification is installed on other Members' boards - is there a security risk? Why the HELL are the people who have marked the modification as installed not given the reason for the quarantine? If there is a security risk - how am I to completely uninstall the modification?
These are only a few questions that come to mind immediately. And it's my assumption that just does not give a damn about its Members' board security if the only thing to do is send that bogus email as quoted above. For instance - Say I had the modification installed and now want to completely remove it because of whatever reason, mainly because it's been quarantined and is likely a security issue involved and I want my forums to be secure so that some foul ass, malicious hacker cannot take advantage of said security threat. How am I to do this?
I hope that when it comes time to finally upgrade the forums to the newest release of vBulletin software, that a better system (one which is both informative and has the best interests of vBulletin paying customers' board security in mind) is implemented! Because = simply put: sending out a quarantine email is both infuriating and bogus if there is not a single bit of information shared via that email AND there's no way to access the download as to know which files to delete, making the uninstall 100% complete. A simple solution might be to allow access to the uploaded file (if it's still available) for all of those who have marked the modification as installed.