I dont mean this in a rude - insulting way - but your site is almost 1 year old and it looks like you have done nothing with it.
Part of the site looks like one theme, another part of the site looks like another theme.
You have some kind of interactive map that is loading in the threads? That is going to slow down dial up users.
The link on the home page that goes to the forum is barely visible. If you want a landing page, install wordpress. Wordpress will give you a lot more options then a static html page.
Maybe add a rental property section and a classifieds section.
Thanks for the Wordpress idea. I'll look into it. As far as the site being as old and not nearly done, I never intended on it being a big thing, so I didn't think to give it a proper skin. Now that I've given it a little more thought, its on the ever expanding "to-do" list.