PirateBay guys are now announced as guilty, what's next?
Ok, maybe it's not the best place where to talk about ThePirateBay, i don't really want to talk about the website, as i don't care about their content, but i wanted to hear you about what you think about these trials on pirate sites...
Just minutes ago the verdict in the case of The Pirate Bay Four was announced. All four defendants were accused of ‘assisting in making copyright content available’. Peter Sunde: Guilty. Fredrik Neij: Guilty. Gottfrid Svartholm: Guilty. Carl Lundstr?m: Guilty. The four receive 1 year in jail each and fines totaling $US 3,620,000.
The fact here is important... they are all guilty, and noone will go to jail, none will pay the fines... because they have no money. they are on offshore countries, and until the UN have a decision based on these offshore countries, the guys have nothing to fear...
btw, the site is still operated, opened and visited a lot... the police was never able to close it, and i suppose they never will.
so why spending hundreds of millions sueing these guys if nothing can be done against them? a show to all who think the laws can not be applied, that's all...
we are supposed to be protected by lawyers when we want to apply our copyrights... we are supposed to be protected by the copyright laws, but it seems that these guys win all the way... not because they are heros, but because the are untouchable; they have no money, they have no life.
all these debates about our copyrights and credits etc worth nothing when we see how the law is applied. it is well written, it is greatly promoted, but yeah, we see where it goes...