Yeah there you go that one is sick! The blue is dark but still really easy on the eyes.
I like them both great work.
Originally Posted by Caddyman
not quite enough definition around everything, the borders of the forums and posts and all kind of just float together.....if that makes
i know you dont want critiques on the default, but i do love it, i took a lot of inspiration from your site for some of my sites.
Yeah dark ble, darker blue, etc lol. Really? I'd like to check out some of yer sites.
Originally Posted by GSeybold
Humm like the colors very easy on the eyes. I'm a VB traditionalist and hate the last post being under the forum description. Feel like a have to search around for it
All and all, it's ok.
Thanks Gabby. So many Chargers forums, I definitely wanted the look of mine to be the same but different.