As simple as that? Put them infront of a jury and this enforces the minds of the public. What are we really talking about here. Enforcing laws with kid gloves to make us feel better about our selves. An eye for eye. Do you think for a moment they would show you that luxury? You would be live on some broken down tv station with a bag over your head Waiting execution whilst your loved ones are at home.
Oh yes, But we have our principles, our beliefs. This is the point I'm trying to make. Until it happens to one of your loved ones you have that luxury in standing by your principles. I wonder if the families of the victims think this way of the terrorist attacks.
Shelly, why do you assume that just because we believe that everyone is entitled to a fair trial, the none of us have ever been the victim of some terrible event--or terrorism? Why do you assume that just because someone is a victim, then they must be out for blood at all costs? That's a terribly faulty presumption. You've stereotyped living victims of 9-11/Iraq War as revenge taking, blood thirsty, eye-for-an-eye ... well, terrorists. And I don't think they would appreciate that one bit.
Either way, Release or detained they live in luxury, probably better living conditions than most americans. That has to be a kick in the teeth in itself.
Luxury? Well now, I've lived in some low rent places, but...
Originally Posted by smacklan
30 years or more we have been turning a blind eye to radical Islam thinking we can "negotiate", thinking we can "bring them into the civilized rule of law", thinking "it's probably our fault they hate us so" and blah, blah, blah. Where has it gotten us? I'll tell you where. Beruit in all of the 1980's, Lockerbie, Rijhad, WTC attack #1, USS Cole, Kenya embassy bombings, 9-11, UK tunnel bombings, Spain tunnel bombings, Mumbai...and the next is just around the corner. Iran will be permitted to obtain nuclear weapons and that will be the beginning of the end. Israel will have to strike because if they don't they will be a certain target as have they been since the day after they declared their independence in 1948. It really is sad to see the world lose the guts to say, evil is evil and must be destroyed because the risks we face from it totally eclipse any temporary discomfort we might face with putting our "ideals" aside while we deal with it.
So what's your solution? Is your solution is to just kill them all and let God sort 'em out. You know, nothing is ever worth the risk of putting aside that which makes us what we are. You put aside your ideals, and you become the evil that you seek to destroy.
Originally Posted by GSeybold
Well he did it. He issued an executive order today. Humm... the outcome remains to be seen. I'm not an Obama supporter, Democrat or a Republican but for some strange reason, and I'm really not sure why, I have a very uneasy unsafe feeling. It's scary for my country and my safety to be in the hands of someone so inexperienced, similar to JFK and the Cuba missile crisis which by the way, was the closest we've ever come to a Nuclear attack. Well at least as far as the public knows about.
Let's hope closing Guat Bay was the right choice.
We didn't really have a choice. Keeping the Bay open was going to be far more damaging in the long run then actually finishing what Bush started.