We've now got 8 interested people, when we get 4 more I'll write up a request in the Paid Requests section, so, step on up folks and post your interest.
The request I right will refer to this thread, pointing out that this is a pretty solid indicator of demand, especially given that the vast majority of people won't even know BuddyPress until the end of next month. This is pretty sweet opportunity for a good developer with a few hours on his hands.
Idared - we're suggesting $50 as a possible price because it's a decent amount, reflecting the massive boost that BuddyPress will give our websites - effectively, it is a version of Facebook that actually works, looks wonderful and has one of the most active and well-led Open Source communities behind it - oh, and don't forget the advantage of being able to give thousands of your users their own WordPress blog, fully integrated with their forum membership!
$50 is a pretty small price to be able to integrate our favorite forum software with all that, but still less than the $60 vBulletin are charging for their rather kludgy blogging add-on, which has simply failed to appeal to most users of most forums.
Once it is clear how big BuddyPress is going to be, and that we're looking at several hundred or possibly even thousands of people willing to pay $50 each, simply for an adaption of an existing bridge, that should be enough to attract a competent developer to the project.
So, go ahead and post folks, we represent the early adopters, the minority who are ahead of the curve and can see the horizon!