I always feel Jelsoft (vBulletin) is Microsoft because they update often and they are a slow turtle to gain new features. The only problem is the updates act like Microsoft, you never know when exactly to do an upgrade because a patch might come out a week later. I am happy for the schedule (patch Tuesday = M$), but I am affraid my forum is going to break everytime I upgrade.
The little vB releases scare me. Like 3.7.2 to 3.7.3 with all the changes, isn't the 3rd digit suppose to be a minor change, not a major change? I don't know, but the minor releases scare me just as much as the major releases. Jelsoft acts like M$, do not modify our product or buy 3rd party, just stick to the standard default templates and code we give you. A style is considered a modification, that is like saying a background I downloaded off the internet in Windows is conidered a moficiation and it isn't supported. Then what am i suppose to do? Leave the boring white style and hope Jelsoft makes 100 styles for me to choose from?
Then I feel like IP.Board is like Apple (Mac). They make few updates, yet it uses standardize hardware. They have all these cool little gadgets and cost a lot of money for upgrades. Apples are more expensive than PCs, but ppl don't realize it. Anyways, the whole point is IP.Board looks stylish and feels flexible.
And lastly, phpBB is like Linux to me. They are free and community based. A ton of nice features, but the techical support is by the community. If the community doesn't fix it, it stays broken until someone fixes it. But, those types of software/codes are open-sources and much can be accomplished. But, not much can be fixed quickly until a member of the community fixes it. So a fix can be anywhere from 1 hour to whenever. :erm:
Bottom-line: I pay for the upgrades at Jelsoft and I expect not to be scared to upgrade. And when I have a custom template, I shouldn't be scared that it might break in the future releases.
Originally Posted by Orakk
What a nightmare for those of us just want a solid, basic & secure forum. We don't use, reputation, ratings, infractions, social groups, tags, reason for edit message, advertising etc. A global 'feature rich' on/off button or a script to revert to 36 would be the go. Great forum, don't need the rest.
Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi
I really think some of the larger feature sets like social groups, albums, and things like that should be opt-out. Additionally, there are a lot of things just added to the datastore that, under heavy usage, result in using a ridiculous amount of memory per script site-wide, when alleviating the mysql/disk usage from querying that information isn't worth it.
Turn off the features and read the change logs... simple