Why is it Vbulletin doesnt have a sweet shop add on like IPB???
Seriously if VB had that it would make it 10 times better then IPB. But it doesnt and it makes lead towards IPB.
I was wondering if anyone could make one...
Like VB has shops but it doesnt have things to buy like IPB does:
Pin/Unpin a Topic
Use this item to pin an unpinned topic or unpin a pinned topic. Change Your Login Name
Change your your login name with this item change your display name
Change your display name with this item. Send a Postcard
Send a postcard to someone. Change Other Photo
Change other people's photos. Unban a Member
Use this item to temp. unban a member Become premium member
Changes your membership to premium member Steal Money
Use this item to steal money from people. Fail and you lose twice the amount you tried.