I have been having a issue with the Admin Control Panel displaying the template for the "AdminCP" incorrectly. Currently the back end of the site "AdminCP" has no template.(I have enclosed a picture.) The site's front end "the regular forums" is totally fine, works great.(I have enclosed a picture or you can look for yourself at https://www.cctvhelp.com/index.php)
This problem is happening only on the production server! I have the forum also loaded onto a test server. The test server works fine.(I have enclosed a picture.) The AdminCP styles are displayed correctly.
This problem only occurs once the files are moved from the "test server" to the "production server". (the files are made into a tar.gz on the test server and sent to production)
Both servers are Running FreeBSD, Apache, Mysql, and PHP.
If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.