You = Need to calm down and stop getting your panties in a twist over such small things. Since you've came back to the site all I read from you day in and day out are negative posts. You can call me an amateur all you want. I ran a 2 million+ post vB site for five years, and my new site is approaching the half million mark. I pull in a decent amount a month off of Adsense alone, and figured I'd share a simple mod. If you don't like it, don't click install and ignore the thread.
And you know what? You're also 100% wrong. My registrations went up just over 10% since I put that mod on my site. That's why I shared it. So please, spare me your ignorant points of view because you don't know what you're talking about. Your website is selling something, my website is a completely different animal. I get 800+ lurkers a day who don't register, and well over 1,000 referrers. My clicks went up, as well as my registrations. I don't give a damn about being a designer, a coder, or if it says "Loser" under my member name. I contribute here to help my fellow forum admins.
I'm here to help people out, but you, I don't know why you're here. I have, however, had about enough of you and your constant attitude towards everyone. You aren't a moderator here, please stop acting as though you are. You are also not an expert on everything forum related, so don't even presume to call me an amateur. Spare us all your advice and input and troll your way back to negativity-land if you have nothing useful to offer but your venom and nonsense. This community is a lot better off without people like you.