SQL Error when editing usergroups
I get this sql error when editing usergroups:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:
Invalid SQL:
### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
INSERT INTO usergroupa
(`title`, `description`, `usertitle`, `opentag`, `closetag`, `passwordexpires`, `passwordhistory`, `ispublicgroup`, `canoverride`, `nbmsgshowchatbox`, `mgccustomusergroupperms`, `forumpermissions`, `genericpermissions`, `attachlimit`, `pmquota`, `pmpermissions`, `pmsendmax`, `calendarpermissions`, `wolpermissions`, `adminpermissions`, `genericoptions`, `profilepicmaxwidth`, `profilepicmaxheight`, `profilepicmaxsize`, `avatarmaxwidth`, `avatarmaxheight`, `avatarmaxsize`, `signaturepermissions`, `sigpicmaxwidth`, `sigpicmaxheight`, `sigpicmaxsize`, `sigmaxrawchars`, `sigmaxchars`, `sigmaxlines`, `sigmaxsizebbcode`, `sigmaximages`)
('Clan Co-Leader', 'Co-Leader of the Clan', '<img src=\"http://www.mysigs.com/blog_pics/8336/titleclancoleader.png\">', '<font color=\"green\"><b>', '</b></font>', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '786423', '120331923', '1000000', '35', '0', '15', '32', '1', '0', '63', '100', '100', '25000', '75', '75', '20000', '138495', '0', '0', '0', '2000', '2000', '0', '7', '0');
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'mgccustomusergroupperms' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Friday, September 21st 2007 @ 03:07:40 AM
Script : http://cheat-unit.info/forums/adminc....php?do=update
Referrer : http://cheat-unit.info/forums/adminc...oup.php?do=add
IP Address :
Username : Nick1337
Classname : vb_database
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'mgccustomusergroupperms' in 'field list'
So the problem to me looks like i need to delete that mgc column.. but idk how.. anyone know a sql query to run in phpmyadmin to doit?