Hmmmm - I am not a fan of that skin at all - It's not very easy on the eyes.
It's bright and can't really see the names of the forums AND seems like the logo/header has nothing to do with the look of the skin... Interesting choice no doubt - Seems like it would grab attention - but is it the right kind of attention? LOL
You do have quite a bit of content online and seems like you've a few dedicated Members with a fair number of posts for such a young forum. The amount of forums is nice.
I do like that you've got vBlogetin installed - Nice move and seems like your Members are really enjoying it!
The only thing really that stands out in my mind is the clash of colors though - With the green, lime, red and grey of the forum skin - the logo/header of purple and fuscia. The only thing I can really recommend is to get a custom skin.