Shame that so many of the useful brilliant mods are not supported and are simple made with a little bit of effort then dumped here, so many mods here dont work on the latest versions or break when used in conjunction with other mods.
I was told that VBulletin has the best community for mods and hacks when I was searching for bulletin board software to use, I think I was misinformed.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
I dont know if it's the best community for hacks and mods, but I would say that it rocks. Since every coder is throwing in his/her free time, you cant expect unlimited support.
Though it would be nice if Jelsoft would sort out the pearls among old hacks and upgrade them. Another thing that may be good in this respect is if would make a list of old hacks they'd like to see revived. That may motivate some new coders.
Do you think that this is a good idea? Would consider to post a sticky with a list of add ons, they would like to see revived?