thnx a lot guyz with your sugg i got this person and he confess too that he was doing this alll
and he is till keep trying he didn,t stop yet
how i can stop this person
Originally Posted by MobileBros
changed your password beacuse they could be on your account two. because people that is mad at you could of sent you a keylogger virus and got the stuff you log into and get your pass and stuf so run a virus scan and change your password to numbers insted of letters
bro which anti virous u suggg
i tried a lot and i think all are ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Originally Posted by rjmjr69
Here install this and next time it happens post a copy of the logs.
Whats the proxie? How do you know someone who is hacking your site is using a proxie? If you have an IP address you MUST have a username? And you can block the proxie thru cpanel
yh bro i got this person ip i just know to ban ip please can u explain how i can block the proxy coz he is useing hide ip sofrware and he is registering agian and agian
i have heard if i block this person proxy he can, after this even hide ip software are useless