With this code you can show 10 most recent topics, they do not need to be new ones, as with forums rss system. If someone writes to an old topic, you will see it on you cms page. You can also choose witch forum ids to exclude. For me this is a very important function. When you click at a link, you will be moved to the latest message in that topic
in a new.php file write:
PHP Code:
$forumpath ="http://www.website.domain/your_forum";
$db = @mysql_pconnect("localhost", "db__forum_user_name", "db__forum_password");
//I took all functions from vn:s php file
function query($sql,$halt=1) {
global $db;
$result = @mysql_query($sql,$db);
if (!$result & $halt) {
return $result;
function halt($sql="") {
echo "ERROR";
function fetch_array($query) {
$record = mysql_fetch_array($query);
return $record;
function iif($expression,$returntrue,$returnfalse="") {
if ($expression) {
return $returntrue;
} else {
return $returnfalse;
$recentforumget = 10; // Number of posts to get
$recentforumlength = 20; // Length of title to display before cutting off
$forumexclude = "7,12,13,28,29,31"; // Add forum id's to exclude from get (eg private ones) sepetate by a comma
$getposts = query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE (visible <> 0)".iif($forumexclude," AND (forumid NOT IN ($forumexclude))")." AND (open <> '10') ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT $recentforumget");
while ($post = fetch_array($getposts)) {
$post[short_title] = iif(strlen($post[title]) > $recentforumlength,substr($post[title],0,$recentforumlength)."...",$post[title]);
$post[full_title] = $post[title];
$recentforumposts .= "• <a href=\"$forumpath/showthread.php?s=&threadid=$post[threadid]&goto=newpost\" target=\"_top\" title=\"$post[full_title]\">$post[short_title]</a><br />\n";
in your html file/template add iframe with a new.php file
PHP Code:
<iframe src="http://www.site.domain/new.php" name="namn" width="173" marginwidth="0" height="350" marginheight="0" id="namn" border="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"> </iframe>
I use iframe, because many cms can't implement php code to their templates, and I do not know how to make all this with RSS. If you can help write all this to work with rss, I will appreciate much.