No. As said, Plugins are loaded from the datastore - which is only be queried once, so you can't load datastore items through plugins - no matter what.
Ah, ok. Thanks for the clarification.
The file which contains the hooks you've placed plugins that require the datastore item.
For a hook in global.php it would be ... guess it ... global.php
Believe it or not, I had no clue. ;-)
Ok, last question... In online.php there's a block of code that looks like it loads $vbulletin->wol_spiders (it starts with a line that says "// Refresh cache if the XML has changed")
If I were to take that code and put it in global.php,
a) would wol_spiders then become available to my plug-in hooked at global_start and
b) would that block of code run on every page load?