I originally posted this on vb but tell what you guys think:
I was thinking this over today when using my online college system with my university (Capella.edu). The have a completely internal webmail system just like a normal email system but students only. Kind of like a PM system on acid.
I think this is the way to go with the VB PM system. Lets face it, email is a dying system and the only people that dont belive this are the morons at AOL who believe that spam will someday cease if they sell you a better spam blocker......
Here are somethings I had in mind, please stop work immediately and feel free to get right on this
1. Enhance the PM system to include better sending options to include basic email functions like Reply to all and CC and BCC lines.
2. Add attachments as a standard feature to PMs.
3. Add an internal address book, distribution lists etc. You could do this with the buddy list I am sure but make it like in outlook where they are doable from the compose page.
4. Add the option for multiple signatures and taglines in pmails sent between members. Do you like 'pmails' as a word? go ahead and use it, I wont copyright it
5. Consider adding a built in email system like hivemail but integrated seemlessly into the PM inbbox. Hivemail has done wonders already but imagine sending a pmail to both members on site and off! neato eh?
Ok, thats about it. Kind of revolutionary if you think about it. I would definately use it
Thanks again,