Media Player button for posts
I was sleeping and then i came up with some kool idea while i was dreaming. ODn't ask why i was thinking about php and vbulletin hehe. But my idea was do you no how the vbcode buttons are. I was thinking what if they had one for videos. Like you click the video button and you can insert media into your post. I dont no much more about it. But it can support certain media type and i guess the program like windows media player or quicktime can just open up right in the browers. Not as a separate window but in the broswer as being inside the post. I dont no if there is and PHP media players but that would be cool if they were intergrated into the board. I think that would be such a great feature for vbulletin. I just don't no if it could be done. Please tell me what can go on with this idea and where it could go besides the drain hehe.