Ignoring private forum's post/thread count in statistics
I've used phpBB for some time now and have some code (which I now don't use as an actual modification has replaced it) which makes my private forum's post and topic count get ignored in the forum's overall statistics on the index page.
This is the code I was using for phpBB, I don't know if it'll be any use here at all:
Now replace "FORUM_ID, FORUM_ID2" with the correct forum ID's
I was hoping somebody could help me replicate it's effects on vB 4.2.1
I have some private forums (my staff forums at the moment) and the post and thread count from those forums is being counted in the overall statistics. This isn't so bad for boards with hundreds of thousands of posts because it isn't really noticeable, but for a forum which is only just launching people are going to ask where all of these extra posts are!!