It is a new forum and it was working fine until i tried installing CMPS....
and yes it is in the /forums directory
Come to think of it i also added /forums/images/icons/icon1.gif
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What i have noticed to is that even if i do not chose a post icon to appear and you leave it at NO ICON. A red X still comes up and the link on it is post icon 1
--------------- Added [DATE]1307812110[/DATE] at [TIME]1307812110[/TIME] ---------------
is there suppose to a a "NO ICON" icon? If i go into the persons post and set it to icon1.gif manually it works.
Your forums are NOT installed in the /forums/ directory... Look at your URL when browsing your forums, there is no /forum/ in it. Your forum is in your website root... There's nothing wrong with this, you just need to know where it is.
I know VBA CMPS tried to change directories of graphics for some reason, they would probably be best be able to help you at their forums on their website.
But yes there is a "no icon" icon. You can either make it a "blank" gif or the standard image. It's treated different in the system than icon1 which is also the same exact image most of the time.