To make a long story short, I've found a eqdkp bridge that supposedly should allow me to use one single user account for both my forums and my eqdkp-site.
The original eqdkp session.php is included as an attachment. The istructions for the bridge code are as follows:
PHP Code:
* Attempt to log in a user
After, replace everything with:
PHP Code:
* @param $username
* @param $password
* @param $auto_login Save login in cookie?
* @return bool
function login($username, $password, $auto_login)
// EDIT BY OBRAX - Thanks to Kazan for phpbb3-Bridge
// Vbulletin - EQDKP - Bridge
//echo $a_username ." versucht ?ber vb-bridge einzuloggen. -- ";
// global $user,;
global $db, $eqdkp;
$a_username = strtolower($username);
$vb_prefix = "vb3_"; // Change to your vb-Prefix
$group_ids = "1,2,3"; // Change to the Group-ID(s) who should be allowed to log in to eqdkp
$sql = "SELECT user_id, username, user_password, user_email
WHERE username='" . $a_username . "'";
$local_users_table = $db->query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT userid, password, email, salt
FROM ".$vb_prefix."user
WHERE username='" . $a_username . "'";
$remote_users_table = $db->query($sql);
if ( $rut_row = $db->fetch_record($remote_users_table) )
//echo "Remote-Userid: ".$rut_row[userid]." -- ";
//Remote user check passed
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as valid FROM ".$vb_prefix."user WHERE (membergroupids like '%$group_ids%' or usergroupid='$group_ids') and userid='" . $rut_row['userid'] . "'";
$remote_groups_table = $db->query($sql);
$rgt_row = $db->fetch_record($remote_groups_table);
//echo $rgt_row['valid']." User mit Berechtigung gefunden -- ";
//Checking remote user table");
if ( (md5(md5($password).$rut_row['salt']) == $rut_row['password']) && $rgt_row['valid'] > 0)
//echo "Eingegebenes vb-Passwort korrekt -- ";
//Remote active check passed
if ($lut_row = $db->fetch_record($local_users_table))
//echo "EQDKP-Passwort synchronisiert -- ";
//Local user found
//sync password
$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_password='" . md5(md5($password).$rut_row['salt']) .
"' WHERE username='" . $a_username . "'";
$userid = $lut_row['user_id'];
//Creating local user
//create local row
$sql = "insert into " . USERS_TABLE . " set username='".$a_username."', user_password='".md5(md5($password).$rut_row['salt'])."', user_email='".$rut_row['email']."', user_active='1', user_style=".$eqdkp->config['default_style'].", user_lang='".$eqdkp->config['default_lang']."'";
//echo $a_username . $password . $rut_row['salt'] . $rut_row['email'] . users_table;
$userid = $db->insert_id();
$sql = 'SELECT auth_id, auth_default
ORDER BY auth_id';
$result = $db->query($sql);
while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
(user_id, auth_id, auth_setting)
VALUES ('" . $userid . "','" . $row['auth_id'] . "','" . $row['auth_default'] . "')";
//echo "EQDKP-User angelegt und Daten synchronisiert -- Login ?ber dein vb-Passwort -- ";
$auto_login = ( !empty($auto_login) ) ? md5($password) : '';
return $this->create($userid, $auto_login, true);
return false;
Whenever I try to log in with a user that exist on my forums and that is in one of the allowed user groups I get an error saying I provided the wrong passowrd or that I am using an account which is not active.
My php skills are limited and I have little understanding of how to really work with mysql - I'm a true novice and that's why I turn to you :erm:
any way, I enabled the various echo lines and tracked down my first halt at
PHP Code:
echo $rgt_row['valid']." User mit Berechtigung gefunden -- ";
which would basically tell me "0 authenticated users found" even thou I am absolutely sure I am entering the correct name and password and that the user (my admin acc) is in a group that should be allowed to use eqdkp according to the $group_ids variable.
so basically, what am I missing, does it have something to do with the session/password/whathever management in vbulletin which is not taken care of here or what am I missing?
In an attempt to be as detailed as possible I will include the eqdkp login.php as well, oh, and I am using the latest vbulletin forums (vBulletin 3.7.3 Patch Level 1) together with eqdkp-1.3.2f (but you will be able to see the code in my attachments any way)
I'd appreciate the tiniest help/hint with this, thnx in advance
Edit, creds to the original author of the bridge which can be found here: