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Old 06-14-2008, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Dean C View Post
At the end of the day the thing that's stopping the staff here from wanting to do this is because of the disputes that will arise over bad rep. They don't have time to investigate that that is understandable. That is why I suggested making the feedback system opt-in.
I disagree with this completely. It isn't time, it's interest. They don't want to have to investigate anything. I mean you people must be under the assumption that even though a ton of projects are "listed" in there that all of them are filled, and coders are working here 24/7 on projects. The staff is not that busy here, and not only that, only rare times will complaints be brought up, and investigations have to be taken place.

I mean hell, here is an example of abuse. I got bad ratings on all of my graphics I submitted, ALL ON THE SAME NIGHT, after a thread was made asking for the "type" of graphics that I had submitted. I think it was done by the lone competing designer, and yeah, I think it was petty and trivial and never made a complaint to the staff. Why? Because I don't really care if other people like them or not, or give me bad ratings. I made them for free, they took a whole damn week, I looked at all of them on my board and I tend to be a pretty picky person, so I think they look alright. Anyways, I never made a complaint.

Pssh, so what I'm saying is after my mini-rant is that many people won't make complaints. But other things could be done. Like in the specific feedback forum, YOU CAN'T put a rating on a thread, until you've replied to it. OR we could require all users that post feedback of coders to supply an attachment of the code/product that was made IN APPLICATION, (( not hard code)) so that everyone can verify it's a valid job, AND that person has a right to give a rating to the coder.

The real issue is everyone is afraid of negative feedback, and negative feedback has to be allowed. I mean from guru, I got 8/10, 7/10 service, the one time we used a coder here we got good service 9/10. But still, if someone did not fulfill the details they should get what they deserve.


In all honesty I cannot believe this place hasn't been sued yet. I mean you can stand behind the "we are not offering the service" all day long, but you allow for the interaction of prospective client/dealer relationships to foster and you dedicate a section of your website for this specific purpose. So to try and backslide and say "hey...it's not our responsibility or fault", are you sure? Because you allowed people to join and your site allowed a scammer to join, and you supplied the medium for which they could interact and in turn someone got ripped off.

It kind of makes you wonder, if it's not necessary for escrow, why do the other sites use it?

Even if vb.org never was sued, the other thing I'm surprised on is that no one has ever tried subpeoning for the IP address and information of a user they wish to take to court.

After all these years you think it would have happened by now.

A feedback system with ratings would actually protect this website in saying, "hey, the person viewed the user ratings of the coder, they made the decision to buy". So if someone has no ratings, pssh, its' completely the clients risk as this website has no information on the new coder applying for the job.


I disagree even further with the stupid rule that only the thread starter can respond. Not only open up competition on bidding, but jeez, when multiple admins come here, we can't even reply in our own requests because the other admin made the thread. It's annoying.


Lastly making a feedback forum, with a description, and rules would take 15 minutes flat.

With 15 more minutes on some specifications in the admin cp, or some very basic coding for advanced things like "require an attachment" or "require post before rating".

I think of VB.org as Unsecured at Use At Your Own Risk, and while I like the members here and ironically have had good luck with coders, due to the management of the system, this is my last resort for hiring a coder.

Don't be insulted, some of you are great, and while you might get hosed sometimes to, protecting and insuring your customers is number 1. Because without customers, you have no business.

Thanks for your time,

I'm done

Legion of Angels

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