:-p right now the vbcredits 1.4 drawing system includes multiple concurrent lotteries, recurring ability, types raffle (1 winner out of all tickets purchased) and lottery (winnings split by all tickets who have the winning number, so 0+ winners), taxes, raising/static editable jackpots, individual ticket costs and usergroup discounts, minimum tickets needed, maximum tickets per drawing and per usergroup, exclude usergroups, aaaaaaand an optional php block, if you want to define something special for the winners of the lottery :-p and thats just the lottery - you can just imagine what else is available for vbcredits
all in the free vbcredits 1.4 (currently in 1.4rc1, available only at vbcredits.com while i prepare the final version with hooks and admin help, which will get posted here at vborg)