Okay, so I know what happened with vbtemplates merging with vb.org. But I also know that there were a number of other vB resource communities which existed before but have since dissapeared. The two that obviously come to mind are vbulletindev.net and everythingvb.com, though certainly there are more.
If anybody could shed any light on what happened to them, that would be great.
I think I heard of everythingvb.com, not everything.com.
By the way, if you want your site to catch Jsoft and vBulletin coders' attention, GO WAREZ. haha... lol... j/k. don't take my advice.
Okay, so I know what happened with vbtemplates merging with vb.org. But I also know that there were a number of other vB resource communities which existed before but have since dissapeared. The two that obviously come to mind are vbulletindev.net and everything.com, though certainly there are more.
If anybody could shed any light on what happened to them, that would be great.
It's probably hard to compete in the vB resources field when vB.org is basically the "official" place to go for unofficial modification.
The reason I ask because I've noticed some hacks on this board which were sponsored by or released by those sites and/or their staff. So I figured somebody here would be able to provide a bit more info.