I had the same problem the other day on a board i help admin. After breaking my head for a long time on why it would work for some threads, but not on others, i even had to ask a Jelsoft Support member to look at it. In the end it turned out that HTML was allowed in signatures () and that someone was using <form> tags, breaking eh whole inline moderation. So check if you don't use some html that is breaking the system.
I had the same problem the other day on a board i help admin. After breaking my head for a long time on why it would work for some threads, but not on others, i even had to ask a Jelsoft Support member to look at it. In the end it turned out that HTML was allowed in signatures () and that someone was using <form> tags, breaking eh whole inline moderation. So check if you don't use some html that is breaking the system.
thnx man
hmm.. even disabled signatures now, but still no go