quite impressive. he's trained for more than 10 years to have it, not a short time for a gamer. There must be someone telling what his char doing in training I think or else I don't know how he'd make a combo.
one thing for sure he won't be the world's Soul Calibur II champion.
I find it amazing he started on asteroids and then worked his way up from there. There are not a lot of audible clues in asteroids until you crash and controlling the "drift" of the spacecraft is pretty tricky, let alone for a visually impaired person.
Yea but like they said, he can face away while playing..I seriously doubt he is faking. I wanna see him play FPS's liek counterstrike and Half Life xD.
Yea but like they said, he can face away while playing..I seriously doubt he is faking. I wanna see him play FPS's liek counterstrike and Half Life xD.
I don't think he can play CS and HL or games other than fighting ones, it's a whole different story.