I did an import, but after the import the forummanagerdisplay is kind of whacked. Since my board is hacked, the guys at vbulletin.com can't support me, so hopefully one of you can. Any idea's to solve this???
I did an import, but after the import the forummanagerdisplay is kind of whacked. Since my board is hacked, the guys at vbulletin.com can't support me, so hopefully one of you can. Any idea's to solve this???
What modifications do you have installed, also what browser are you using?
way too many modifications , but I just found a new option (that I didn't know of), instead of the default display for the forum manager, I'm now using the collapsible one which displays correct...so I'll just forget about the default one and never use it again...thanks for the reaction anyways!!