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Old 08-27-2004, 03:40 AM
Drache Drache is offline
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Default BitTorrent XBT Tracker MOD for VB

I am sure alot people been asking for this hack already. could someone please make the XBT tracker mod for VB? I know there is already one for IPB

Can anyone make a mod like that place?
Old 08-27-2004, 04:04 AM
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Worth every penny!
check out my site for a demo, www.metallifukinca.com
Old 08-27-2004, 05:33 AM
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I know about vbtt i am looking for a C++ tracker not php tracker.
Old 08-27-2004, 02:48 PM
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I believe he makes those too
Old 08-27-2004, 02:53 PM
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I contacted him and he can fill full your request
Old 09-18-2004, 02:05 PM
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I cannot recommend this mod and felt I should jump in here and let people know, the support for this mod is terrible. It's one thing if it were free or even cheap but for $125 I expect at least some support. To begin with it took two days to get it after paying, then if you have any questions it's a minimum of 24 hours for a response and that's if he even replies. If you are savvy enough to handle errors yourself then it may be for you but I wouldn't get this if you expect support.
Old 09-20-2004, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by ericgtr
I cannot recommend this mod and felt I should jump in here and let people know, the support for this mod is terrible. It's one thing if it were free or even cheap but for $125 I expect at least some support. To begin with it took two days to get it after paying, then if you have any questions it's a minimum of 24 hours for a response and that's if he even replies. If you are savvy enough to handle errors yourself then it may be for you but I wouldn't get this if you expect support.
I wanted to bump this out of fairness, it turned out the person supporting this was out of town for a while and was unable to get back with me. Apparently there was a post about it on his forum somewhere that I missed. He has since jumped right in on my site and is taking care of things in a timely fashion. Sorry for the confusion on this, I jumped the gun.

For a working example of this mod feel free to come and check it out at my site http://www.jamtothis.com
Old 09-21-2004, 02:03 AM
Drache Drache is offline
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That VBTT script is Trash. Alot of bugs Basicly he just modfity a free script called torrent trader and then release it under his name and charing for $100 euro. WHen the VBTT script is not even interrated with the forum's user database. if you look at your forum user database and tracker database. the numbers are different. and when you remove user from forum it doesn't remove form tracker. There are so much more critical bug about this script. I won't use it even it's free.

He charged me $150 euro total for better support. took him 3 days to install the script. first day before the install even finish he telling me he want to go play cs. and went off. There are alot more bad stuff about it. I only posted few bugs in his forum. and he deleted my post. And THEN he made a post saying how much he SUPPORTED. then i made another post to POINT OUT that he didn't support AT ALL!. And all his unprofessional replys to my email and msn sounds like a whining kid. Anyways no need to say more i will post bug list somewhere else and hope no more people gets scamed. Whoever that is already using this script good luck after your site grows bigger u will start seeing the problems.

Right now a programer is coding a new script for me. he coded everything from zero and using XBT as backen. PHP tracker has it's limitation so a c++ tracker is much better. ANyways VBTT just a Trash that a kid modified few code from Torrent Trader and release under his name and charges money for it.

you said he away for few days. a $100 euro script should have support all the time. Look at vbulletin. Only $80 for license and it's totally worth it. You get responds from vbulletin's support team in less than few hrs. sometimes mins. Any script that's over $100 has a support team RIGHt there to support you and professionals. not kids who selling trash script and goes away party every night after he gets the money. then saying he is away. He said so himself he party everynight after i paid him those money. got the msn logs.

It seems everytime he made a sell he willl be away for few days. must be going out to spend the easy money he scammed.
Old 09-21-2004, 03:31 AM
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Well here's my version...

I got the mod/hack 3 months ago and it works great!!
When I had problem with the script, I sent said author a email and he got back to me with 24 hours. I fixed the minor bug with minutes.
He has since upgraded my version 3 times, without any problems and free of charge.
I give it 2 thumbs up!!
Old 09-21-2004, 03:41 PM
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1. VBTT is just s small modify he did on Torrent Trader a Free script. And yes he is in the Torrent Trader project, And No he didn't code Torrent Trader him Self. It could probly take any coder that's in this forum less than 1 or 2 hrs to code Torrent Trader into the forum and make it run like VBTT ( a FULLY BUGED one) probly a day to make it bug free.

2. VBTT has alot of bugs. User database different. tracker and forum user database has different value. I asked him how come my forum's user database and the tracker user database have different user numbers. his reply "I don't know".

3. When you delete a member from your forum the member's data stays in your tracker. And when people register on the forum they will be auto registered on the tracker without needing to click on the confirm email to active their account. Then what's the point of making the Tracker private when people can just register FAKE account and download the torrents? Or is there a point of tracking member's upload and download at all? when they can just hack it easily. I told him this problem and i asked him what if people just register a real account to download the torrent file and then register fake account to leech from tracker? To make tracker not track their stats. He said "That's your member's problem" Imagine if you find a bug about Windows that everyone can access your computer. And you report to MS support team then they tell you "That's the hacker's problem" I would be changing my OS to linux right away. and ask MS for refund. Same goes to VBTT. His reply are very unprofessional.

3. I sent him $100 euro on Aug. 31, 2004, And on the same day he email me the script VBTT V1.1 i sent him another $50 euro extra on Sep. 1, 2004 for better support. Because i told him I need to get the tracker on my site ASAP i have no time to waste. And he goes ok. installing VBTT for me WHEN it says clearly on his website buying vbtt you will get free support and install. And before the script is even working he says I want to play CS. (CS= Counter Strike online game) and install ur script tomorrrow. OK next day installed. Script doesnt' display peer right. shows up same peer 3 4 times and he went off somewhere i waited like 2 days he is finally back saying he is busy having party at night. OK he fixed the stats and he goes off again. NOW! the user table giving me error and i wasn't able to contact him. So i have to stop using the script. And finally he is back i was abit upset asking him why he away so long and i been having problem with the script. He said "I have a life, so i can't code all the time" that pissed me off right away but i stayed claimly asking if he is able to fix it. he says no. it will come out in next version before i buy this script i asked him MANY TIMES to make sure he will release vbtt 1.3 in the weeken. And until now here is version 1.3?

There are too much bug to list and too much bad things about his support. A screenshot would mean more. I've attached 3 screenshot in here about 2 post that i made on his forum got deleted by him or edited. ANd he told me in the email to use support forum dont' msn him. Now he says in the support forum saying i should msn him and don't post in the support forum........ the last email he sent me is is asking me to stop contact him until we both cool down. asking me to stop crying and just sit back and wiat for new updates on VBTT..... I have nothing more to say that's why i don't contact him anymore and trying to ask paypal to refund me.

Link to post that got deleted by him. http://forum.tutoriaux.net/index.php?showtopic=426 and edited by him edited by him http://forum.tutoriaux.net/index.php?showtopic=72

Now I am paying Olaf van der Spek to code a cutsom script i want for me. He Coded Everything by himself in less than 2 weeks. And did all the things that i requested. Anybody that use bittorrent should know XBT Tracker. Olaf Van Der Spek is the developer of XBT Tracker one of the BEST Tracker out there. Right now my site is runing fine without any bugs using the script Olaf developed. And he is still trying to keep improving the script and contact me whenever he have time to ask me if i find any bugs on his script and fix it right away. He is really working hard to try to make everything perfect. I have to say i am really really impressed by Olaf's work. If you are interested on olaf's script you can contact him at olafvdspek@gmail.com and you can see the working version at http://www.hongfire.com/forum/torrents.php?

Also i think if any advanced coder seen both scripts they will be able to tell you how bad VBTT is and how good Olaf's script is.
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