It has not been publically released as of yet, although private testing is about to begin. Private testing shouldn't take long, and then it will be released here.
Ok, great. Where do can I see yours, download it, and see a feature list? holds beta 3, feature list is about the same one as lesane's -- Beta 4 will add new features that I'm keeping secret for now. Beta 4 will also be the 1st version released here.
Im sorry to see this as such but it looks like Link has gatecrashed this thread...
the first few bits of his post are "MY STORE HACK...."
vB2 Store Hack was succesfull so many people want the same sucess that Lesane had so theyre all competing, which is not what this forum is about for gods sake all.
It has not been publically released as of yet, although private testing is about to begin. Private testing shouldn't take long, and then it will be released here.
Lastly... this thread makes me sick because of the petty squabling. The store hack is an immence project. I dont think any other hack for vbulletin is as complicated as the store hack. Instead of whinning and complaining, we should be working together to update it for VB3.
.............Doesnt it make sense that we at least make use of the same schema? I could go on but you see the point I am making here - the point being that it would be easier if everyone was working together instead of against each other.
You certainly make some sane and reasoned points. As a 53 year-old relatively vB-newbie I often shake my head in amazement at some of the ill-thought out comments I often read on these boards.