ok now if i am gonna pay for a license is there a way to pay it by month or by week or by every two months or something. Or is the price just as it is send in 160 or 85 and get ur license. Well also is there a really great guarentee that if i pay i wont get screwed and lose my money. (well im not blamming any one just asking)
ok now if i am gonna pay for a license is there a way to pay it by month or by week or by every two months or something. Or is the price just as it is send in 160 or 85 and get ur license. Well also is there a really great guarentee that if i pay i wont get screwed and lose my money. (well im not blamming any one just asking)
im 99% sure you hafta pay it all off at once, however lets say you dont like it, 2-3 months down the line you can resell an owned license, im not sure about a leased license. however, i very much doubt you will not like vBulletin ^^
im 99% sure you hafta pay it all off at once, however lets say you dont like it, 2-3 months down the line you can resell an owned license, im not sure about a leased license. however, i very much doubt you will not like vBulletin ^^
You have to pay for a vB licence all at once. I don't think they are any monthly payments, more than likely not.
Also, if you are unhappy, I believe you can trade your licence in. (Or sell it)
You have to pay for a vB licence all at once. I don't think they are any monthly payments, more than likely not.
Also, if you are unhappy, I believe you can trade your licence in. (Or sell it)
You must pay for it all at once. If you had a credit card, you could pay it off over the course of a few months, but it would be far more expensive thanks to the APR.
well im gonna like vbulletin i have to just get the money and pay straight foward. I have owned like up to 3 websites, but now there gone, because i wanna start fresh with a new website, then i saw vbulletin so i said well that will be really cool to try.
So i am gonna make a good forum, so stand and see.
For i know i will make all the money i need by about a week or two