If you can manage to get a screenshot of their logged-in admin CP, look for the top frame that shows the latest version of vBulletin. If it's not there then it's pirated.
Actually that's incorrect. Most people do think that the call back is there, but it's not (the latest version javascript is called with your license id to confuse pirates). It's somewhere else. And you won't notice it from a screenshot as it's a 1x1 pixel clear gif.
Originally posted by Codename49 Actually that's incorrect. Most people do think that the call back is there, but it's not (the latest version javascript is called with your license id to confuse pirates). It's somewhere else. And you won't notice it from a screenshot as it's a 1x1 pixel clear gif.
The paranoid rippers still probably take that out ("that" being the JS version checker).
Oh shut up. I have 2.2.5, but even if they brought out 2.9.9, I wouldn't upgrade because I can't be bothered.
Theres little difference between 2.2.1 and 2.2.5, why bother? Theres loads of legal vBulletins that don't bother upgrading until a proper new version is released, and its going to be the same with me.
...such as your server upgrading to a newer PHP version and your forums dying so horribly there would be no inconceivable way for you to ever restore it and you would have to live the rest of your life suffering in remorse regretting not to update...
a: If I believe it truly, the admin cp has an include of some form to some javascript? And I presume that this javascript returns a 1x1 pixel clear image? Then what's the point of it?
b: if people are using a pirated board, that's their problem. They take the risk, they may get caught.
Originally posted by Mark Hewitt Very true. I still run 2.2.1 because I have loads of hacks on my site and don't want to upgrade unless there are significant features my users will need.
It's not just released hacks either, I sent to mess with the code and forget to write down what I've done, oops
for the love of God, upgrade. for your own board security. who cares about hacks if a hacker can take down your board in 30seconds?
We ALWAYS follow-up on piracy reports. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps Jelsoft is not all-powerful and that in order to shutdown a site it requires the cooperation of the web hosts and other entities?