I cannot think of a reason why an administrator would want that option. Just have them request to have their account deleted. Every administrator would want to handle this differently depending on their TOS and privacy policy.
It would not be hard to externalize the command for deleting a user, I personally would never want an external method for doing this. At best, I would give the user the right to disable their account -- however no deletion of data would occur.
I think you portrayed my statement out of context, that being: your reason has merit. Although, the definition of deleted material is still being decided in the courts in many countries and international law.
And how have I taken your statement out of context? You said: "I cannot think of a reason why an administrator would want that option", and I gave you a reason why an Admin would want that option - or better: would have to want that option. I really did not intend any harm or offense?
And how have I taken your statement out of context? You said: "I cannot think of a reason why an administrator would want that option", and I gave you a reason why an Admin would want that option - or better: would have to want that option. I really did not intend any harm or offense?
I probably misinterpreted your meaning. I know your a good guy, so no worries. Sorry if I ruined your day, not my intention either.