The email message I got told me it had been quarantined and I should turn it off but not why.
What is the problem with it? Does it have some security hole? Is it causing planes to fall out of the sky? What?
A bit of info would be good.
Planes are falling, I was just flying around Metropolis and had to save a few myself did you see me in the baseball field? I believe they filmed me doing that one!
Kidding but point being, if it's Quarantined no matter the modification in question, there is a good reason.
Why cant vbenhancer fix this as he created the addon to start with.
He did not release the version that was quarantined. Another coder had permission to port it to vB4 and released it. That coder is now responsible for it.
Can't we just get someone who knows how to code to look at it and fix the code appropriately? Obviously the developer of the vb4 version has no intentions of fixing it. I'd expect something like this for a lesser known mod but c'mon iTrader is one of the top mods for vb4... You'd think the staff could take some ownership and fix the issue. I know it's not their responsibility, but the version has been quarantined and no one knows why aside from that it must be a good reason... whoever deemed it needed to be quarantined knows enough about coding that they probably could have just fixed it and everyone could continue on their merry way...
Can't we just get someone who knows how to code to look at it and fix the code appropriately? Obviously the developer of the vb4 version has no intentions of fixing it. I'd expect something like this for a lesser known mod but c'mon iTrader is one of the top mods for vb4... You'd think the staff could take some ownership and fix the issue. I know it's not their responsibility, but the version has been quarantined and no one knows why aside from that it must be a good reason... whoever deemed it needed to be quarantined knows enough about coding that they probably could have just fixed it and everyone could continue on their merry way...
Agreed, someone here knows the problem so why not just tell us what file to edit to fix the problem.
If somebody wishes to take over the modification and release it themselves, you would need to talk with the current developer and get permission to take it over.
And considering he hasn't been on the site for a month even after his mod was quarantined I doubt we'll get a response... But if someone knows how to code and is willing to do it, please do! I'd be willing to paypal someone $2 for their time, I'm sure others could chip in 1-2 bucks too.