howto - NFO files on attachment (auto implementing them?)
I've seen a specific forum, which has some sort of edited template, or an adon, that when you have uploaded an NFO or DIZ file via attachments to a post, it automatically displays the NFO/DIZ file in <fieldset> tags in the post.
Is there any known way on of doing this?
I've seen a specific forum, which has some sort of edited template, or an adon, that when you have uploaded an NFO or DIZ file via attachments to a post, it automatically displays the NFO/DIZ file in <fieldset> tags in the post.
hey if you get such modification, please pm me the link.
You will have more chance of finding such a modification on a warez site then on
PS Don't try asking for URL's for such boards.
It's not a warez site, but all the same, I'm not linking to it. I would like to use this for my own board. If you know of a way to do this, please post it.
I have a site where users upload torrents and when the torrent is uploaded, the files are 'grabbed' from the torrent and input into a table so we can spit out the list of files in the threads. I'm sure I've seen similar functions to grab the file contents from nfo files. So, if I were you, I'd go search on sites that deal with trackers for this code.