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Old 07-23-2008, 12:21 AM
RLShare RLShare is offline
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Default WHY: Modification Graveyard question?

Is there a reason whenever this topic is brought up that users are allowed to riddle the thread with the flaming of and ridicule of all coders who have ever removed a hack of their own and when I come in and say something just as derogatory back to those doing the flaming, I get my posts deleted and recieve infractions.

If there is a NO flaming rule why is it not applied equally to all members?

Why allow people to talk trash about a group of people and not allow others to talk trash back?

Is there some sort of 'usergroup' thats allowed to talk trash that I need to apply to?
Old 07-23-2008, 12:43 AM
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How interesting - as far as I know - not many are talking trash except for the person who referred to me as disgusting because he thought I was ridiculing Coders... It is interesting to note that I was the only person who received an infraction over that BS - It's also interesting to note that the majority would tend to agree with what I said. As far as joining a group of elite... Let me know about it when you find out.


ps - I'm of the persuasion who would like to think that during this process of discourse that there can be improvements made to the vBulletin.org Community. Also note please - that just because someone does not agree with you and states their opinion as such - that's not a synonym of "flaming" - It's simply a very strong & opinionated person stating (sometimes) the obvious and what others would be normally afraid to say for whatever reason. LOL
Old 07-23-2008, 12:49 AM
RLShare RLShare is offline
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Calling people babies, 2nd graders and a pompous idiot is not flaming in your eyes then? What do you feel is flaming? Because in my book, that is flaming
Old 07-23-2008, 12:58 AM
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tss, kids... calm down...

before this thread close, i would like to introduce myself...


hey guys, why complaint about a moderator/admin decision to close a thread... how would you react on your own board?!...

and who do you know received or not a warning or infraction?!... sometimes the people with the bigger infraction points is not the one you think it is...
Old 07-23-2008, 01:11 AM
RLShare RLShare is offline
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I guess your right Nex. But I just get annoyed with people flaming others like Bofoo because they removed their OWN hacks and mods. Its their code and their right to do so without being degraded over and over everytime one of those threads get made.
Old 07-23-2008, 01:13 AM
deezelpope deezelpope is offline
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Amen to that!:up:
Old 07-23-2008, 04:54 AM
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Yeah - I suppose once the fury dies down - noone will care about Boofo's removed hacks or whatever. And yes - there was quite a bit of strong-worded adjectives and nouns being thrown around in previous threads. You do realize though the topic is obviously on the minds of more than a few. From reading the comments made, emotions just had to come out, less someone's head blow up LOL

I do wonder if there can be some type resolution or change in policy as far as Modificaton authors being able to simply yank their mods away with absolutely no regard for those who have downloaded them. And likewise maybe at least some sort of information-share from vBulletin.org for those who have clicked "Installed" -- I thought a recent post was interesting because a vB.org Member presented a scenario in which a modification had been graveyarded and a Member who had download/installed the modification prior to the graveyarding wants to uninstall the product correctly with no hassle. He asked how would he do that if he couldn't reference the information that was in the longgone file attachment.

At anyrate..... Yes - we know that valued Members of vBulletin.org have shared their modifications freely. Thanx for the sharing! I know my forum has benefited immensely from the sharing and I appreciate it greatly.

I think at some point though - You have to understand though that putting the This modification cannot be downloaded - it is available for information purposes only. label on a modification offers no information at all and can sometimes be quite infuriating.

I don't know... Sticky situation...

Old 07-23-2008, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by RLShare View Post

Is there some sort of 'usergroup' thats allowed to talk trash that I need to apply to?
Yes there is.

I'm sure one of the staff will be along shortly with how to apply for it, and to add that you are showing up not belonging to the usergroup, and the thread will be closed.
Old 07-23-2008, 07:25 PM
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Im guessing that your insinuating I should get banned, which of course would be the way to handle someone posting about actions of staff on this site in a forum whose description is "Let us know what you think about us in here!".

Sounds like you have come to a very logical conclusion.

--------------- Added [DATE]1216844858[/DATE] at [TIME]1216844858[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 View Post
Yeah - I suppose once the fury dies down - noone will care about Boofo's removed hacks or whatever. And yes - there was quite a bit of strong-worded adjectives and nouns being thrown around in previous threads. You do realize though the topic is obviously on the minds of more than a few. From reading the comments made, emotions just had to come out, less someone's head blow up LOL

I do wonder if there can be some type resolution or change in policy as far as Modificaton authors being able to simply yank their mods away with absolutely no regard for those who have downloaded them. And likewise maybe at least some sort of information-share from vBulletin.org for those who have clicked "Installed" -- I thought a recent post was interesting because a vB.org Member presented a scenario in which a modification had been graveyarded and a Member who had download/installed the modification prior to the graveyarding wants to uninstall the product correctly with no hassle. He asked how would he do that if he couldn't reference the information that was in the longgone file attachment.

At anyrate..... Yes - we know that valued Members of vBulletin.org have shared their modifications freely. Thanx for the sharing! I know my forum has benefited immensely from the sharing and I appreciate it greatly.

I think at some point though - You have to understand though that putting the This modification cannot be downloaded - it is available for information purposes only. label on a modification offers no information at all and can sometimes be quite infuriating.

I don't know... Sticky situation...

Yeah I understand problems like that, but really what could the staff do to handle it better?
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