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Old 08-21-2001, 08:08 PM
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i love all your ides for the hacks i cant wait untill u release them and i do respect you for what your doing your great man.
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Old 08-21-2001, 10:21 PM
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I went through all the posts in this thread and I can't seem to find any info on this "picture upload script" Can somebody please tell me what it does and why I might need it?

I have an entire forum dedicated to (Bootay) picture upload and this could be what I have been looking for, but I can see any info on what it actually is/does.

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Old 08-21-2001, 10:25 PM
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it allows users to upload pictures of theselfs for there profile
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Old 08-21-2001, 10:28 PM
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Originally posted by snyx
it allows users to upload pictures of theselfs for there profile
oh. Not what I was looking for. Well while I'm here, anybody know of a hack that allows you to attach multiple files to one post? I would really love this hack. Just figured I would ask, I will probably ask in the main forum in a while. :\
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Old 08-21-2001, 10:33 PM
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how can we have the hacks ?
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Old 08-21-2001, 10:50 PM
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you wait
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Old 08-22-2001, 12:55 AM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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Originally posted by webhost
Anyway you guys could come up with something where we could upload
more than 1 attachment in a posting, maybe let the admin set the number of uploads and size?

By the way, I see no problem at all the way you guys have conducted this.
with brads script, (and this is only up to brad, because we have discussed this) since it is his hack, the idea of a five stage uploader had been brought up. The hack i created on a side project worked with Brads, and thus, allowed users to upload 5 pics at a time, and only five. when the user wanted to add a new pic, all he/she had to do, is check from a db query the pic that he wanted to edit, and than update. Once the five pics were uploaded, there would be nothing more than updating from that point on. No deleting, nothing. Plain, simple, if} and {elsed} from one end to the other, and secure with Freddies suggestions of renaming the files.

But, one has to remember something, and a point why vb did not add it in to begin with..is that with pics, they can be server hogs, and if you have 5 pics...things can be a bit server demanding propping up 5 pics for every user...especially for the big sites...i mean...lets say the site has 3,000 members on it...that is 15,000 pics in a stored folder that basically grind your site to a halt everytime a person takes a look at a profile page, or uploads some more...lol..
So...naturally we scrapped the idea, but there are variables as Brad stated, that can be changed, and fitted to your sites needs.
Copy a code here, change a variable there, and whoola...multi uploader.
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Old 08-22-2001, 01:06 AM
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Originally posted by Gutspiller

oh. Not what I was looking for. Well while I'm here, anybody know of a hack that allows you to attach multiple files to one post? I would really love this hack. Just figured I would ask, I will probably ask in the main forum in a while. :\
Hi finally back after my second job ended today..

as for what you are wanting.. are you just wanting a script where users can upload photos.. hasn't there already been a hack for that.. where people can post their pictures and they are put into a gallery...

My script can be used in a lot of different ways and has numerous ideas if you want to try it out.

For the basics, like I stated above.. it puts the file (picture) into a folder on the server, and then puts the name of the file in the database in a certain feild. ok.. well this does not have to exactly be used in just the profile.. all you have to do.. anywhere you want is called that field name like lets say $userinfo[picture_name] for one of the pictures... well using that and the img html code, you can pull the picture up anywhere at anytime.. I had the idea of having a random picture show up on my index page, and maybe more from there..

Just whatever you want to do that is not totally intended for the main part of the release will be a lot of code adjustments

Not putting down snyx or you JohnV, I appreciate your comments, although they were not good.. hehe, after I made my first posts.. I started thinking about all of the complaining that I have done in different situations.. and on different occasions.. and seen how it has helped.. well sometimes.

I mean some of the wording used was kind of childish in a way.. I mean if you want to bring in some physcology, it kind of puts everyone that the words were directed to.. kind of become offending or put up a wall.. of defense.. so tis why.. you get some replies like mine, snyx, or tora's
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Old 08-22-2001, 01:09 AM
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Tora, knows this.. at times he don't believe me but he knows it.. I am VERY NEW to programming.. I took 2 college classes last semester and the semester before that with C and C++.. so I thought it can't be that damn hard

So... I am learning to code better and make things function better... plus I will have a couple of books arriving soon (in a couple of days hopefully) that will really help me learn the proper way of coding

whoohoo books.. ! I hate to read, but... ya know might as well get as much done before I get out of college.
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Old 08-22-2001, 01:46 AM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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The basic premise of someone pissing on a thread of opinion or interest has never impressed me a great deal. If people choose to act like children, they will get spanked like children.

If one decides to come in with some suggestions to idea, or implementations to the existing product, I am eager to listen. Vb was not built in one day, nor was VBPortal.
Many ideas to vb has been through thier great ability to listen to the customer. Even though our hacks are small in comparison to many of the great hacks distributed here, we feel it necessary to listen to those suggestions, and document, test, and insert those ideas the best we can. That can mean everything to the graphics, the overall visual standpoints, the actuall functions, or the actual script itself.

This was not a popularity contest, nor a thread to disearn those who were truely interested. I just find it odd, that out of close to 200 views on certain areas of the hacks, we only have a few people that truely showed enough interest to post thier thoughts.

Now, in the business world, you are taught to kiss everyones ass even if they think your product is less than substandard. Try and try as you might to please that customer with everything but the actual product is the nature of the business world. Everything from customer service, to wine and dine extravogant expense to try and get this person to buy what your selling, even though the product in a nutshell sucks.

With us, it is the opposite. Give a quality product that has been tested, documented, tested, more functionality added, than tested again, to give the user the desired results they want and expect, with no kissing ass to go with it.

p.s. Brad is lying his ass off....lol....the guy knows his shi*, no doubt about it.
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