I personally don't like the styles, but im not into space maybe thats why.
Could you be a bit more specific...what was it that turned you off to it besides the fact you're not into space if any? At any rate thanks for the feedback!
I think the style itself is mediocre at best and colours on both styles are far to dominating, especially for the alt1 & alt2 areas.
I've always felt as space forum styles go that Spacebuffs.com set the standard and I find that any style space or otherwise will always come second place. Take a look at the link and maybe you'll get some inspiration on what colours to use and how to implement them so they complement each other without directly copying of course.
Take a look at NASA's site. They did the right thing: not use black backgrounds (terrible eye relief). You can incorporate a space theme without the need to make your pages black, and a good way is make the images look like you're viewing space from a portal/window. All the space theme, while still maintaining light pages for readibility.
Thanks for the feedback. I removed the links as the site is having a face lift done right now so I'll get more feedback when its done. Thanks for everyone's honest opinions thus far...it has helped!